Estonia 190

Our Model 190 is the ideal choice for living and music rooms, teaching and recording studios, and chamber halls. Built to serve professional and institutional needs, the sound and touch meet the most professional and advanced performance requirements.

  • Size: 6'3" | Weight: 772 lbs

  • finishes Colors Available: Gloss Ebony, Satin Ebony, Polished Mahogany, Polished Walnut, Satin Walnut, Polished White, Satin White, Pyramid Mahogany, Polished Kawazinga Bubinga
  •   All Estonia Pianos


model 190 video

For over a century, the Estonia Piano Company has been in pursuit of the most singing grand piano sound. Indrek Laul, a Juilliard doctorate pianist and owner of the factory, has traveled the world for three decades working with concert pianists, performers and educators. Dr. Laul has understood the demands of pianists, their needs to achieve the complete inspiration and ultimate tonal expression, and has guided that knowledge to the Estonia factory. With a great team, the new piano models have been proudly and painstakingly created for pianists and musicians in Performance Centers and Concert Halls, Conservatories and Recording Studios, as well as for the homes of music lovers.

Model 190 Details

Length: 6'3 in (190 cm)
Width: 5'0 in (152 cm)
Height: 3'4 in (101,5 cm)
Net Weight: 772 lb (350 kg)
Rim: Thick Baltic wood, multiple layers to support the special Estonia sound
Scale: Special European scale-design
Plate: European, sand cast iron plates, highest-quality finish
Tuning Pins: Highest grade, from Germany
Strings: Highest quality, imported steel piano wire from Germany. Bass wires are core wound with pure copper, handmade at the Estonia Piano Factory
Hammers: The highest quality hammers - Renner Blue, made by the Renner Company, Germany
Action: First class actions by Renner, Germany
Keys: Spruce, made by the ESTONIA Piano Factory. Key covers from Kluge, Germany. Also use Kluge keyboards from Germany.
Felts: The best wool, special order from Germany and England
Pedals: Three pedals: Una corda, Full sostenuto, and Full sustain

estonia factory video
model 190
Estonia Gallery

Store Locations

Natick MA

Natick Store Address Phone Numnber

Nashua NH

Nashua NH Address Phone Numnber

Springfield MA

Springfield MA Address Phone Numnber

Franklin TN

Franklin TN Address Phone Numnber